Thursday, July 1, 2010

June Highlights

Here are some highlights from the month of June...

The girls had TLC Volleyball Camp.
We spent about 98% of our time at the lake, submerged.
Bookworm got 8 mowing jobs at the lake.
Ladybug babysat a few times for some friends up there.
Busy Bee dog sat for some friends.
They were happy to earn some extra spending money.
I got absolutely no lesson planning done.
We had lots of friends visit- no pictures- I guess we were having too much fun and forgot!

If really feels like we have been in a month long episode of "Wild America" around the lake. Here's a list of what we have seen or heard: Box Turtle, The Large Snapping Turtle above- you can't tell from the photo but he was bigget across than my elbow to my fingertips, Painted Turtle, Muskrats, 2 Beaver, 3 Otter, Deer- running up and down the dirt roads, Rabbits, Coyote, Barn Owls, 2 Blue Herons, Sand Hill Cranes, Geese, Ducks, Cougars- think we heard one, some neighbors saw one, DNR finally confirmed one in the area, Wild Cats, Barn Swallows, Orioles, Humingbirds, Goldfinches, Fish- all kinds, Snakes- mostly Corn and Garter, normal summer birds, Turkeys- everywhere, still haven't seen the Eagles though.

My personal highlight- catching 4lb 6oz and 3lb Large Mouth Bass on the same morning. My friend and I caught 50 some Bass in 3 hours that day. I was actually in the lead of the Summer Bass contest for a whole 6 hours. Dinner really is in the Freezer!

We surprised Brad with at Father's Day Weekend trip to Frankenmuth. We had a great time at the waterpark/hotel. Ofcourse a little shopping at the Christmas store and a Zehnder's Chicken Dinner was a must. We kind of rolled to the van that night.
I feel a little bit guilty for not getting any projects going around the house, but not guilty enough to change anything for July!!

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