Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Miss Mason's Nod- Part 2

Yesterday I mentioned an article written by Charlotte Mason. Her writings have helped me greatly in evaluating our educational goals and priorities. As I mentioned, Bookworm entering the High School years seemed like a good time to think about her future and the kind of person we hope she will be.

In the article CM mentions priorities. She lists Bible and History first. I concur! Please read the article for yourself, it's very good. The link is in yesterday's post.

Last summer when the economy was failing, more natural disasters were being reported, and our country seemed to be taken to the tool shed by the world and our President, I thought about what would help a person get through all of this.

Here is my short list:
1. Know who God is.
a. Read His word.
b. Spend time with Him in prayer.
c. Memorize scripture, ponder His words.
2. Know who we are-
a. Created by God
b. Saved through the blood of Christ
c. Our Christian Heritage
3. Know who we are as Americans
a. Know why our Country was formed
b. Understand our founding fathers and documents
c. Know our own history
4. Know World History
a. "There is nothing new under the sun." History repeats, look for the cycles.
b. Study Hitler's life and understand the how of things.

I am not into conspiracies and that but I do know that the enemy has dominion over the earth until Christs' return. What better way to get a hold of a people's heart than drawing them away from God's word than through busyness, technology and entertainment? What better way to have them forget who they are as Americans and their gained freedoms than by rewriting the History textbooks ala Texas? What better way to ignore the history of the Nazi movement than to stop teaching it and to start to make negative insinuations about the Jewish people?

So in light of all of this, what are we doing differently? Here is my disclaimer: my kids can all read, write and complete math at or above grade level, lest anyone question the roundness of their education. Both girls in fact are finishing their Math in the next two weeks, ahead of schedule and Busy Bee has finished all of his Language Arts for this year.

Our Top 10 List-
Here's what we are doing to accomplish our new priorities:
1. Reading more of God's word daily- outlining chapters
2. Reading a good Bible Commentary- taking good notes
3. Reading stronger Devotional materials- taking good notes
4. Challenging ourselves with more scripture memorization
5. Hymn Study- there is a lot of solid doctrine in hymns- completing narrations
6. Worldview- this is totally new to us and has been fabulous- written narrations and discussion
7. Current Events- we are easing into this- discussion
8. History- reading more first source documents and biographies
9. Government/Economics- adding this into every year of high school
10. Discussion, lots of discussion- all through the lens of God's word

If you haven't thought about this before, I hope this encourages you to educate with eternity in mind. We are blessed at this time to have so many great tools at our disposal. As we come into convention season, you may be able to look through some good materials. You can also use the writings of CS Lewis or Francis Schaeffer for starters. May God Bless you and your family!

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Miss Mason's Nod to Homeschoolers

I read this encouraging Parents Review article by Charlotte Mason about a year ago:

It helped me to evaluate our priorities as Bookworm was entering the high school years. I prayed about our focus in educating our children, read CM's writings and thought hard about the challenging times that I believe are ahead for our children and their generation. I felt a real call from the Lord to go deeper with my children, to help prepare them for eternity.

If you love CM's educational philosophy and you homeschool, I highly recommend reading this article. Then come back here tomorrow and see what I gleaned from this article. I know it was written long ago, but boy is it timely given the social climate our children are growing up in.

Simple Woman's Daybook


Outside my window... the birds are chirping, the sun is shining and it is already 60 degrees.

I am thinking... that I would like to complete school outdoors.

I am thankful for... Christian friends who want to pray through stressful times or events in my life with me. Thanks, Renae.

From the learning rooms... Bookworm is working on her report about "The Scientific Life of Sir Isaac Newton" for the NACHS Science Fair, Ladybug just finished Math and is on the Piano, and Busy Bee is working through his Nature Reader.

From the kitchen... plans are in the works for a Big Freezer Cooking Day! I will post about that once I have all the plans completed. My friend Debbie and I do it together. We're shooting for mid April when History Co-op is over.

I am wearing... blue jeans, apple green top, blue socks and a smile:)

I am creating... more scrapbooking FIRST Robotics World Festival pictures. Our team went to World's and placed 2nd. It was an awesome time for Bookworm and those of us riding on her coattails. Due to Access 9's finish, they were invited to meet President Bush at the White House. We will never forget that experience. It is fun looking through the pictures again.

I am take Ladybug to the orthodontist later today.

I am reading... 10 Things I Want My Daughter to Know by Annie Chapman.

I am hoping... the beautiful weather continues.

I am hearing... Ladybug on the piano.

Around the house... I want to deep clean the hardwood floors this week.

One of my favorite things... Easter Lilies in the Spring and I got one this weekend. It smells great!

A few plans for the rest of the week: Busy Bee's Upward Program, Piano Lessons, Biology Lap, Talent Show Practice, History Co-op.

Here is picture for thought I am sharing... Great Friends!!

To see more Daybook entries visit:

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Menu Plans 3/28- 4/3

Sundays- Cinnamon Rolls, Cereal, Fruit
Mondays- Herbed Scrambled Eggs or Cheesy Omelette's with Toast and Fruit
Tuesdays- Biscuits and Gravy or Honey Butter Sausage Biscuits with Smoothies
Wednesdays- Baked Oatmeal or Vanilla Almond Granola with Fruit
Thursdays- English Muffin Sandwiches or Eggs Benedict with Smoothies
Fridays- Fruit Muffins or Bread with Cereal and Fruit
Saturdays- Waffles, Pancakes, or Crepes with Breakfast Meat and Fruit

Sundays- Leftover Buffet
Mondays- Mac and Cheese with Carrots and Dip
Tuesdays- Lunchmeat or Chicken Salad Sandwiches with Chips and Yogurt
Wednesdays- Ramen Noodles, Bread and Butter with Applesauce
Thursdays- Grilled Cheese, Carrots and Dip with Yogurt
Fridays- Leftovers
Saturdays- Soup(Changes weekly), Salad and Rolls

3/28- Family Fellowship Night- we're hosting, I'm providing- Scrum Delicious Bacon Cheeseburgers, Toppings Bar, Deviled Eggs, Lemonade - The other ladies are bringing Roasted Potatoes, Veggies with Dip, Cherry Dump Cake and Blackberry Dump Cake
3/29- Tacos with all the Trimmings, Veggies and Dip and Fruit Bars
3/30- Dinner out- Busy Bee has an Upward Basketball Program early in the evening
3/31- Cheddar Jack Chicken, Potato Grill Packets and Broccoli Salad
4/1- Penne with 5 Cheeses, Green Salad and Garlic Bread
4/2- Chicken Pot Pie, Mashed Potatoes, Peaches
4/3- Grilled Fajitas, Chips and Salsa

3/31- Baking Day- Honey Oatmeal Bread, Apple Streusal Muffins, Biscuits, Pumpkin Bread, Peanut Butter Cookies, English Muffins, Amish Pretzels and maybe Cinnamon Rolls

I usually do my baking on Wednesday afternoons while Bookworm is at Biology Lab and Ladybug is at Talent Show rehearsal. Then they all have piano lessons here. Wednesday is supposed to be 78 degrees, it's going to be awfully hard to stay inside!

Friday, March 26, 2010

Friday's Activities

We set an ambitious schedule of activities for ourselves this past Friday. Friday afternoons are usually reserved for activities but the kids are ahead in their studies so our schedule had some wiggle-room. The Lord blessed us with beautiful weather. We had a history fieldtrip in the morning, a picnic lunch with friends, nature club in the afternoon, and geo-caching after an early dinner. Whew!

The Northern Indiana Center for History invited us to Civil War Days. They had reenactors who shared their knowledge of the "Conflict between the North and the South." They told us that it was not really a Civil War because the Southern States had already seceded. Good point!

They showed us the equipment that the soldiers carried with them. We learned about the conditions that soldiers endured and the way they survived with the little rations that they received. Below Bookworm holds one of the Union's weapons. They were quite heavy.

Then the Union soldier talked with us about bullets, taught us about the parts of a gun, discussed the uniforms, hats, and showed us some artifacts he had found on various battlefields during reenactments. Below Busy Bee and friends listen intently as the soldier discusses the casualties. Our next station was focused on actual battles. They shared what a soldiers life was like, how they survived by living off the land and that they often had to "reappropriate" food from farms they were travelling through. They let the kids try on the heavy packs. I think all of the children were surprised by how heavy the packs were. They talked about formations, marching, troops from Indiana, and gave us a shooting demonstration.

Our last station was with the army doctor. He discussed the medications available at the time, the sanitary (or lack there of) of operating conditions, amputations and diseases that killed more soldiers than bullets.

The doctor then did a slide presentation on the timeline of the civil war touching on the main battles and key figures from both sides.

It was a very informative time and the reenactors added in humor which helped to keep the kids stay engaged.

After the program we had our picnic with our homeschool friends. It was fun to relax together and share bits of each others lunch.

Our Charlotte Mason inspired Nature Club met after the picnic. This term's focus has been Birds of Prey. We learn about the topic during our own family's nature study time and then come together once a month to share, hike and do some kind of hands on project.

At this meeting we focused specifically on Owls, Falcons and Hawks. We read from The Handbook of Nature Study by Anna Botsford Comstock. We did a fun activity on the sizes and shapes of the nests of these birds. We then dissected small owl pellets that I had been collecting over the last month. We put together the skeleton of a vole out of our 12 small pellets. We had a lot of leftover bones. We also found skulls and jawbones of a bird and a shrew. One of the kids found over 100 bones in her small pellet. The kids sketched their findings. We discussed our findings together.

The club went on a short hike together and then the kids played on the playground for a bit. Next meeting we will be dissecting large pellets and we will compare our findings. Ladybug was not thrilled with the dissecting part. She didn't like the idea that she was touching vomit. I wonder how she will feel when she gets to Biology?

It was a fun day by all accounts. When Brad got home we had dinner and went geo-caching. Bookworm is really getting into searching out the coordinates with the GPS. She likes the adventure of it. I still like letterboxing better. I guess we'll have to take turns. Have a great weekend!

Thursday, March 25, 2010

4 Star Recipe

Here is another family favorite in the 4 Star Recipe series.

Spiced Pork Loin with Cinnamon Fried Apples

4-5 lb. boneless pork loin

1 1/2 tsp salt
1/2 tsp pepper
1 tbl fresh minced ginger
1 tsp cinnamon
1/2 tsp fresh grated nutmeg

Preheat oven to 325 degrees. Mix all spice componets together. Rub all over pork. Place on roasting rack and bake for 2 1/2 hours. Thermometer should reach 160 degrees. Cover and let stand 15 minutes before carving.

For the Fried Apples:
1/4 c honey
1/2 c water
1 tbl lemon juice
1/2 tsp fresh minced ginger
1/4 tsp fresh grated nutmeg
1/4 tsp cinnamon
2 medium apples, peeled, cored and sliced

Combine all ingredients for spiced apples in saucepan and bring to a boil. Simmer 10 minutes and serve with pork.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Birds of Prey

We have been studying Birds of Prey this school term in our Nature Study. We read/research/discuss/narrate on Thursdays and hike/sketch on Friday afternoons. Our special focus has been on Owls, Falcons and Hawks. Our primary resource has been The Handbook of Nature Study by Anna Botsford Comstock.

We have been blessed to have Rum Village Nature Center nearby. They have a roosting pair of Owls in residence. We were able to observe them at our last Charlotte Mason Nature Club meeting. The female was in the nest the whole time, but we could see her moving around from time to time. The naturalist told us that they had eggs in the nest. We're looking forward to observing the babies soon. The male spends quite a bit of his time hunting. I was able to collect 9 owl pellets from under the tree the male likes to perch on. We could already see a lot of bones sticking out of the pellets and even some hair. Our CM Nature Club will be dissecting Owl pellets this Friday and sketching what we find. Here is a link to an owl cam I found:

South Bend is home to a pair of Peregrine Falcons. Guinevere is the female and Zephyr is the male. Aren't those cool names?

The pair were a part of the DNR's reintroduction program. They are fascinating to watch as they swoop from the tall building they nest on in the downtown area. If you have a pair in your area it is well worth seeking them out and spending time in observation. These are beautiful birds and so graceful in flight. They are the fastest animals in the world. They can achieve speeds of 200 mph. Our friend, Bob, helped install the camera and said that they are expected to lay eggs very soon. Bob sent us this link:

This Cooper's Hawk was perched on the backyard fence. We found remnants of his dinner in our driveway.

We spent the afternoon observing it and taking pictures. The Hawk did not seem in the least concerned about us.

We will be meeting the "Owl Lady" next month. She rescues injured birds and rehabilitates them. She plans on showing the kids her refugees and sharing important information about Birds of Prey.

I will post pictures from our CM Nature Club meeting and you can see what we learned.

Here are some additional resources:

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Simple Woman's Daybook


Outside my window...the sun is shining again! I don't care that we have had snow in April in the past, I am declaring it Spring. The temperature has been climbing, it is a balmy 51 degrees.

I am thinking...that we may need to get out and letterbox or go on a hike this afternoon instead of artist study. Hmm...

I am thankful homeschool group and the leadership that we have, my friend Tammy who has a beautiful heart and shared it with us last night in her devotion, all of the ladies who contribute to the success of our group and to God for placing me here at this time.

From the learning rooms...Bookworm is finishing up Math, Ladybug just finished narrating to me and is now working on her copywork, and Busy Bee is practicing piano and then just has math to finish for the day.

From the kitchen...I have turkey tenderloins marinating in a honey-Dijon vinaigrette. We had the last of the English muffins in Eggs Benedict this morning, so I need to add the English muffins to my baking list for tomorrow.

I am wearing...dark blue track pants and my National Homeschool Volleyball Tourney tee. I love that tee, it has long sleeves and is really comfy. It reminds me of what a good time we all had in Omaha, NE. God was very good to us and it was great for Bookworm as a freshman to be able to go and even play in several games.

I am creating...scrapbooking pages. I just started 2007, just a little behind:)

I am take Bookworm to the library again before our afternoon in the great outdoors.

I am reading...just finished a book last night, not sure what next.

I am get started on our new patio this weekend.

I am hearing...Busy Bee working on his piano piece for the talent show.

Around the house...finished cleaning the family and school rooms. I still need to organize the storage room.

One of my favorite things...spring!

A few plans for the rest of the week: piano lessons, making laundry soap with some friends, history co-op, couples night, Civil War Days at Center for History, Nature Club and Busy Bee's basketball game.

Here is picture for thought I am sharing...

If you would like to participate in the Simple Woman's Daybook visit here:
Thanks for visiting!

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Something to Meditate On...

We recently finished our study of the Reformation in our history
co-op. I was really drawn to the lives of the reformers.
I appreciated their heart for the Reformation and the risks
they were willing to take to improve the spiritual lives
of other believers and to improve their churches.
Martin Luther especially touched me.
Here is a quote of his that I have been meditating on:
What you do in your house is worth as much
as if you did it up in heaven for our Lord God.
We should accustom ourselves to think of our
position and work as sacred and well-pleasing
to God, not on account of the position and work,
but on account of the word and faith
from which the obedience and work come from.
~ Martin Luther
I want to remember this daily. It inspires me to strive for
excellence even in the smallest activity.
When I serve my family, I serve God.
They are my mission, my calling.

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Menu Plans 3/21-3/27

Sundays- Cinnamon Rolls, Cereal, Fruit
Mondays- Herbed Scrambled Eggs or Cheesy Omelette's with Toast and Fruit
Tuesdays- Biscuits and Gravy or Honey Butter Sausage Biscuits with Smoothies
Wednesdays- Baked Oatmeal or Vanilla Almond Granola with Fruit
Thursdays- English Muffin Sandwiches or Eggs Benedict with Smoothies
Fridays- Fruit Muffins or Bread with Cereal and Fruit
Saturdays- Waffles, Pancakes, or Crepes with Breakfast Meat and Fruit

Sundays- Leftover Buffet
Mondays- Mac and Cheese with Carrots and Dip
Tuesdays- Lunchmeat or Chicken Salad Sandwiches with Chips and Yogurt
Wednesdays- Ramen Noodles, Bread and Butter with Applesauce
Thursdays- Grilled Cheese, Carrots and Dip with Yogurt
Fridays- Leftovers
Saturdays- Soup(Changes weekly), Salad and Rolls

3/21 Sunday-Murder Mystery Chicken Casserole, Sticky Rice, Green Beans
3/22 Monday- Pork Chops with White Cheddar Scalloped Potatoes, Zucchini Fritters
3/23 Tuesday- Marinated Turkey Tenderloin, Sweet Potato Casserole, Buttered Peas
3/24 Wednesday- Leftover Buffet
3/25 Thursday- Smoked Sausage and Veggie Packets on the Grill, Salad
3/26 Friday- Dinner with Brother's Family
2/27 Saturday- (Breakfast for Dinner) Banana's Foster Crepes, Hashbrown Casserole, Smokies

Thursday, March 18, 2010

4 Star Recipe

Here is another favorite in our "4 Star Series".

Alvina's German Meatballs

2 lbs ground beef
3 eggs
1 pkg onion soup mix
3/4 c fresh bread crumbs
1 can jellied cranberries
1 bottle of chili sauce
3/4 c brown sugar
14 ozs sauerkraut, partially drained

Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Grease a 9x13 baking dish. Combine meat, eggs, soup mix and bread crumbs and shape into walnut sized meatballs. Place in the bottom of baking dish.

In a large saucepan, combine cranberry sauce, chili sauce, brown sugar and sauerkraut until dissolved. Fill the empty chili sauce bottle with water and ad that to the pan. Stir well and bring to a simmer. Take off heat and pour over the meatballs. Bake covered for 40 minutes. Take off foil and bake uncovered for 50 minutes.

These meatballs have so much flavor and go great with mashed potatoes, noodles or spatzle. Even people who do not care for sauerkraut like these.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Finding Victory in... Self-discipline

I have a good number of friends who struggle with organization. Most are very creative, go with the flow kinds of people. They are full of fun but also live in chaos. At times it can be difficult to be friends with them because they run late to events, forget what they are supposed to bring or wait until the last minute to try and pull things together. This can strain our relationship but I do love them dearly!

They often ask me how I can stay organized or for tips or copies of my schedules. Then they try it for awhile with good intentions and eventually it falls by the wayside. I try to encourage and have even tried to make excuses for why things haven't worked. The bottom line is it is a lack of self- discipline.

Organization is one area of my life where God has gained the victory. I give Him the glory for this because without Him I wouldn't be able to do it. It is a commitment I have made to the Lord. It is something I have to practice everyday. On days when I don't feel like cleaning or cooking or homeschooling, I am reminded of the commitment I made and the disappointment I would feel if I didn't follow through. I try and picture God's face while He watches me loafing instead of fulfilling my responsibilities. It helps me stay on the right track. I want to put a smile on His face and not a tear in His eye.

I do struggle with self- discipline in other areas. I am a work in progress. I don't beat myself up over it, I just resolve to do better the next day. God gently reminds me of who I am in Him and that He has equipped me to fulfill His calling.

Webster's defines self-discipline as "Training and control of one's self and one's behavior, usually for personal improvement."

I think we often want to do better but we wait until we feel like it. Well friends, we can't wait. We need to make a commitment. We need to make the hard decision and follow through. I need to make this decision in the area of computer time. I am committing to cut back on recreational use of the computer and using that time to add to my bible reading/devotion/prayer time and helping my younger children with their time with God.

I want to grow as a child of God. I want to improve day by day. I'm thankful that He reveals areas that need improving and then gives me grace to correct those areas. Do you have any areas where God has been nudging you towards self-discipline?

I would love to pray for you if you're struggling in an area of self-discipline. God has put it on my heart lately. I know it's not easy, I have resolved that I will need to work on one area or another everyday of my life. As soon as one is conquered another will be revealed. Don't let it defeat you, it is a way to grow to be more Christ-like.

I like to think of it as God making an investment in me, He cares enough to show me where I need to improve and then asks me to share with others, giving Him the glory. We can all be used to encourage if we are willing to yield ourselves to his teaching, rebuke and ultimate victory. I am believing God for victory over self-discipline for me and for you!

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Simple Woman's Daybook

Outside my window...the sun is shining.

I am thinking...that as soon as the kids finish their work we can head outside.

I am thankful for...the mild temperatures we've been having.

From the learning rooms...they are all reading quietly to themselves.

From the kitchen...I can smell the yeast in the bread as it's rising. We're going to grill out tonight!

I am wearing...jeans, ND tee-shirt and fuzzy slippers.

I am garden plates out of mini clay pots and dowels

I am going...outside, maybe an afternoon hike.

I am Beth Moore study, 50 People Every Christian Should Know & TOS Magazine.

I am get a lot done in the backyard this weekend.

I am hearing...birds chirping and the breeze ruffling the pines.

Around the house...things are pretty cleaned up and Easter decorations are up. I made a spring wreath for the front door and put up some new shelves in my scrapbook area.

One of my favorite things...Borders for cocoa and a book. Bookworm and I did that last night.

A few plans for the rest of the week: starting on the new brick patio, planning supplies needed to open up at the lake, getting plans ready for the Cinncinatti Homeschool Convention.

Here is picture for thought I am sharing...

If you would like to participate in the Simple Woman's Daybook visit here:

Thanks for visiting!

Monday, March 15, 2010

Welcome to "4 Star Recipes" Series

I love to take a good recipe and tweak it until it becomes a great recipe (at least in my estimation). Three stars is a good recipe that deserves attention to make it great. Four stars for a recipe means near perfection. Once a recipe receives 4 stars I leave it alone. I have high expectations for those that do get 4 stars though.

I thought for fun that once or twice a week I would post one of my "4 Star Recipes". I admit to you that when cooking I rarely measure, but I will try for the purpose of sharing with you. I'd love to know if anyone tries these recipes and what your family thinks of them.

This recipe is a family favorite and one of my most requested by family and friends.

Royal Chicken Supreme

8 ozs sour cream
2 tsp lemon juice
1 tsp garlic powder
1 tsp onion powder
1 tsp paprika
3/4 tsp celery salt

6 chicken breast halves- medium to large
3 slices of cheese- I use Provolone
3 slices of ham- I use Black Forest
6 tsp honey mustard dressing- I use Marzettis

2 c bread crumbs- I use fresh
1 c grated Parmesan cheese
2 tsp Italian seasoning

Take each chicken breast and cut a pocket in it- I have my butcher do this for me. Combine all the marinade ingredients and pour over the pocketed chicken breasts. Let marinate overnight in fridge.

Preheat oven to 400 degrees.

Cut each cheese slice and slice of ham in half. Combine all breading ingredients well in a pie plate. Take a chicken breast out of marinade, lightly shake off excess marinade. Place 1 half slice of ham, 1 half slice of cheese and 1 tsp of honey mustard dressing into pocket. Secure pocket closed with a toothpick. Coat breast with crumb mixture and place on baking sheet. Repeat with remaining chicken.

Bake at 400 degrees for 45-50 minutes.

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Speech and Debate Competition

We recently attended a speech and debate regional competition put on by the National Christian Forensic & Communication Association or NCFCA. Our homeschool group is considering starting a team. Here is the link if you want to check it out yourself:

The competition was very impressive. Kids 9-19 compete in different kinds of speeches and debates. I went with some members of our homeschool group down to Indy to observe for the day. My daughters thoroughly enjoyed watching. My oldest is definitely ready to sign up.

I was honestly blown away by the sessions that I watched. These kids were poised, well-spoken, professional, knowledgeable and extremely well prepared. The boys were in suits and the girls were in nice skirts. They were toting around large crates of research and binders. The debates were intense. You could tell that the participants knew their topic. The speeches that I witnessed were some of the creative/ theatrical type. Some were dramatic, some informative and one in particular was so funny that I couldn't stop laughing. I sat in on that one with 3- 12 year old girls and they talked about that speech all night.

If you have kids interested in speech and debate, I would highly recommend the NCFCA. It is a big commitment. They meet and research all fall to prepare for competition season. Some people go wild and travel far and wide to competitions, but you don't have to. I know we couldn't commit to that much. I think any student who is planning a career in a field where speeches, presentations, research, interviews or teamwork are involved would benefit from being a part of this organization.

Bookworm has competed on a First Lego League (FLL) robotics team for years. She has loved it. FLL is a wonderful organization. The NCFCA seems like a natural progression for high school for her. She can take what she learned doing research and public speaking from Lego robotics and amp up into a higher level program. It will help prepare her for college and beyond.

She still gets her robotics in. My husband is teaching a high school robotics class in our home.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Mystery of History Vol. 3 Pages

Here are all of the pages I've created for our MOH Co-op for book 3. These include notebooking pages, journal pages, charts and mini-book pages. We completed an Explorer Lapbook and Art of the Renaissance Lapbook.

I hope you'll find these helpful. If you have questions please feel free to leave a comment and I'd be glad to get back to you.

Menu Plans

The weather has been beautiful here in Indiana in recent days. It actually got up to 64 degrees! The weather has me itching to get outside and get my hands into the garden. I need to get the cold frame set up and ready for some early plantings. I should probably mention that I am an extremely optimistic person, I can hope!!

My breakfast and lunch rotations pretty much stay the same. Wednesday is my big baking day. This is when I restock the freezer if needed with muffins, fruit breads, biscuits, english muffins, etc. It's also the day that I bake bread. If time allows I make cookies or some type of dessert. Ladybug took a cake decorating class recently and has been supplying us with a lot of cakes lately. She even made her own birthday cake last week. It was wonderful! I felt guilty cutting it because it was so pretty.

Sundays- Cinnamon Rolls, Cereal, Fruit
Mondays- Herbed Scrambled Eggs or Cheesy Omelettes with Toast and Fruit
Tuesdays- Biscuits and Gravy or Honey Butter Sausage Biscuits with Smoothies
Wednesdays- Baked Oatmeal or Vanilla Almond Granola with Fruit
Thursdays- English Muffin Sandwiches or Eggs Benedict with Smoothies
Fridays- Fruit Muffins or Bread with Cereal and Fruit
Saturdays- Waffles, Pancakes, or Crepes with Breakfast Meat and Fruit

Sundays- Leftover Buffet
Mondays- Mac and Cheese with Carrots and Dip
Tuesdays- Lunchmeat or Chicken Salad Sandwiches with Chips and Yogurt
Wednesdays- Ramen Noodles, Bread and Butter with Applesauce
Thursdays- Grilled Cheese, Carrots and Dip with Yogurt
Fridays- Leftovers
Saturdays- Soup(Changes weekly), Salad and Rolls

3/14 Sunday- Cabbage Roll Casserole, Mashed Potatoes and Sweet Corn
3/15 Monday- Sesame Garlic Chicken, Egg Rolls, Sticky Rice and Garlicky Broccoli
3/16 Tuesday- Deluxe Chef Salad with Homemade Thousand Island and Breadsticks
3/17 Wednesday- Leftover Buffet
3/18 Thursday- Garlic Alfredo Chicken with Fettucine and Garlic Bread
3/19 Friday- Deep Dish Chicago-Style Pizza, Salad and Milkshakes
3/20 Saturday- Dinner Out

If anyone wants any of these recipes, leave a comment and I will be happy to post it.


Greetings and welcome to my new blog home. I have discontinued my old homeschool blogger account. This formatting is easier for me to work with. If you are interested in my Mystery of History files for book 1 or 2, they are still at I also will post my Book 3 plans soon.

I look forward to sharing some of the things we are learning about in our homeschool. I have a new recipe series to start next week and a new freezer cooking session post planned in the next month or so. I hope you'll check back and please feel free to leave comments. Thanks!