Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Finding Victory in... Self-discipline

I have a good number of friends who struggle with organization. Most are very creative, go with the flow kinds of people. They are full of fun but also live in chaos. At times it can be difficult to be friends with them because they run late to events, forget what they are supposed to bring or wait until the last minute to try and pull things together. This can strain our relationship but I do love them dearly!

They often ask me how I can stay organized or for tips or copies of my schedules. Then they try it for awhile with good intentions and eventually it falls by the wayside. I try to encourage and have even tried to make excuses for why things haven't worked. The bottom line is it is a lack of self- discipline.

Organization is one area of my life where God has gained the victory. I give Him the glory for this because without Him I wouldn't be able to do it. It is a commitment I have made to the Lord. It is something I have to practice everyday. On days when I don't feel like cleaning or cooking or homeschooling, I am reminded of the commitment I made and the disappointment I would feel if I didn't follow through. I try and picture God's face while He watches me loafing instead of fulfilling my responsibilities. It helps me stay on the right track. I want to put a smile on His face and not a tear in His eye.

I do struggle with self- discipline in other areas. I am a work in progress. I don't beat myself up over it, I just resolve to do better the next day. God gently reminds me of who I am in Him and that He has equipped me to fulfill His calling.

Webster's defines self-discipline as "Training and control of one's self and one's behavior, usually for personal improvement."

I think we often want to do better but we wait until we feel like it. Well friends, we can't wait. We need to make a commitment. We need to make the hard decision and follow through. I need to make this decision in the area of computer time. I am committing to cut back on recreational use of the computer and using that time to add to my bible reading/devotion/prayer time and helping my younger children with their time with God.

I want to grow as a child of God. I want to improve day by day. I'm thankful that He reveals areas that need improving and then gives me grace to correct those areas. Do you have any areas where God has been nudging you towards self-discipline?

I would love to pray for you if you're struggling in an area of self-discipline. God has put it on my heart lately. I know it's not easy, I have resolved that I will need to work on one area or another everyday of my life. As soon as one is conquered another will be revealed. Don't let it defeat you, it is a way to grow to be more Christ-like.

I like to think of it as God making an investment in me, He cares enough to show me where I need to improve and then asks me to share with others, giving Him the glory. We can all be used to encourage if we are willing to yield ourselves to his teaching, rebuke and ultimate victory. I am believing God for victory over self-discipline for me and for you!

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